Saturday, June 18, 2011

Edu Glogster

This past school year I happened to stumble upon this website.  Glogster

After browsing the website and playing around with it, I couldn't wait to introduce it to my third and fourth graders.  That week I showed them how to login and create their own Online Multimedia Posters. 

Teachers can sign up for their own free account.  Under your account, you can create a separate login for each of your students.  Each student gets their own username and password.

With a short demo, students grasped how to use the website pretty quickly.  Before I knew it they were creating glogs like crazy. They even logged on at home to create some of their own fun Glogs.  At first my goal was for them to create fun ones so they can get used to the features and learn how to add things.  Once they had it down, they I was able to assign them specific projects to create.  As teacher you have access to view all your students glogs and leave messages for them.

The possibilities are endless of what students can create.  They can add videos, sound, animation and text to their poster.  Students can use it to create a poster on any topic you are studying, or if your students are anything like mine, they will want to create endless posters on the topic of Justin Bieber.

When you go to the website, make sure to sign up under the edu.glogster.  It is the educational platform for Glogster.

Here is an example of one that is showcased on their website, done by a student.


1 comment:

Heidi Raki said...

I LOVE glogster! My students greades 1 - 5 loved it too! Now, I am making glogs for students to use at a computer center. I make the glog, and the students click around to find answers to questions, or to research a topic.

Heidi Raki