Monday, March 8, 2010

Thank You to the Kid Who Pulled the Fire Alarm...

Thank you to the kid who pulled the fire alarm during lunch today.  Without you my lunch would not have been extended an extra 20 minutes. Granted I did have to go outside during part of my lunch and supervise all your friend, but I was done with lunch and then was gifted with 20 extra minutes!

Thank you to the kid who pulled the fire alarm as my afternoon was shorter and flew by due to that 20 extra minutes of lunch.

Thank you to the kid who pulled the fire alarm, you chose the right time, not during testing on day 5 of state testing.

and lastly,

Thank you to the kid who pulled the fire alarm, you must have known my day wouldn't have been complete without seeing the hot fireman all over the building.

1 comment:

Vagabond Teacher said...

Hot firemen are always a treat! Especially if there isn't an emergency!